Augmented Reality (AR) opens doors to new ways of presenting and experiencing information. Areas of the highest value are seen primarily in sales and marketing, service, and training

Sales and marketing teams can present products digitally to prospective customers within the physical environment of your choosing. Highlight and demonstrate product features and benefits interactively to boost customer understanding, engagement, and enthusiasm.

Service teams use AR when on-site or working remotely in the field. Project information conveniently into your physical field of view for multiple tasks such as operating connected machines, visualizing metrics from IoT devices, or service maintenance. This improves visualizing operational processes, faster first-time fix rates, and lower safety risks.

Trainers easily incorporate 3D models and animations into AR training experiences, to minimize costly script and video production. Capture and share expert knowledge to close your workforce gap. Trainees experience user-friendly AR training with accurate and interactive animated sequences of steps, projected within their view of their physical workspace. This accelerates their understanding of training material.