- Vuforia Expert Capture uses the Vuforia Capture app and an eyewear device such as HoloLens to allow you to record video procedures step by step.
- As you record, explain what you’re doing and why. Be concise and refer to an outline or script. The resulting recorded output is called a “capture.”
- By plugging your eyewear device into a computer, you can save the file and upload it to Vuforia Editor to build out your procedure.
- Use content from your captures along with any uploaded images or videos to create steps and publish the finished procedure.
- Now others at your organization can find and view the procedure. View procedures using one of two apps:
-Use the Vuforia Vantage app to view procedures on a mobile device or tablet.
-Use the Vuforia View app to view procedures using a RealWear or HoloLens eyewear device.