We are so excited about being featured in a premier manufacturing publication! This article focuses on the multitude of ways that EAC helps companies take advantage of manufacturing and engineering data and turn it into growth for the company. We cover all things Digital Thread – from data management and Additive Manufacturing to Augmented Reality and AI in manufacturing.

sustainability in manufacturing

The majority of businesses aspire to achieve sustainability but often lack clarity on where to begin. Many perceive adopting sustainable practices as a daunting task, believing it necessitates a complete overhaul of their production processes to make a significant impact. However, let me assure you that this is not the case.

So, where should you start your journey towards creating more sustainable product design and manufacturing processes?

To genuinely embrace sustainability, focus on making design decisions at the outset. Designing for repair, reducing material usage, refurbishment, remanufacturing, recovery, reuse, and recycling is crucial. It requires a holistic approach that considers a product’s environmental impact throughout its lifecycle.

Over 80% of a product’s environmental impact stems from design decisions made early on.

Here are three ways design changes can drive sustainability:

Sustainability in Design for Dematerialization

Dematerialization, or material usage reduction, emerges as a crucial strategy for sustainability, aiming to reduce material consumption and weight without sacrificing strength and durability. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies like Generative Design, engineers can optimize designs to use only the necessary amount of material, tailored to specific loads and constraints of each application.

Creo Simulation Live offers a seamless platform for quickly assessing how different materials or reduced material usage affect design performance, enabling adjustments earlier in the design process.

Moreover, with solutions like Creo AMX, designers leverage additive manufacturing capabilities to build structures in the most efficient direction, generating automated supports, and showcasing the potential of lattice structures.

These innovations not only allow for a material reduction but pave the way for lighter, more sustainable products that maintain the required level of performance. As we continue to prioritize dematerialization in manufacturing, we edge closer to a future where sustainability and efficiency are seamlessly integrated into every aspect of product development.

Sustainability in Design for Waste Reduction

Designing for manufacturability and minimizing material waste, such as through minimal stock allowance, ensures efficient use of resources from the outset. By leveraging die casting for near-net shape production throughout the manufacturing process, material waste is significantly reduced to maximize material utilization and minimize scrap generation.

Additionally, utilizing numerically controlled (NC) strategies optimized for fast machining and lower energy consumption, such as high-speed machining (HSM) roughing and finishing, contributes to waste reduction and energy efficiency.

Moreover, designing for ease of service and assembly extends product lifespan and reduces the demand for new products. While some parts of a product may wear faster than others, creating products for easy disassembly eliminates waste because you do not have to throw away the entire product to extend the lifespan.

Accurate documentation of assembly and disassembly instructions empowers users to maintain and repair products, minimizing waste and promoting a more sustainable approach to product lifecycle management.

Sustainability in Design for Energy Efficiency

Engineers globally actively address questions such as, “Can we reduce noise and unneeded energy consumption in design?” and “Can we make our design more thermally efficient?” to pave the way for eco-friendly innovation.

Their goal is to pinpoint areas where energy is wasted, but don’t have the most efficient tools to accomplish that task. Modal analysis and thermal analysis enable more streamlined and environmentally conscious designs. Additionally, tools like Creo Flow Analysis optimizes flow efficiency to ensure that products operate with maximum efficiency, minimizing energy requirements without sacrificing performance.

Furthermore, selecting materials that demand less energy to manufacture and recycle adds another layer of sustainability to the design process and reduces the overall environmental impact from production to end-of-life disposal. Through these proactive measures, energy-efficient product design becomes a tangible pathway towards a more sustainable future.

Sustainable Design Solutions

Our suite of Creo design tools supports sustainable practices:

  • Generative Design and Optimization: Refine and optimize designs for dematerialization and material reduction goals.
  • Simulation and Behavioral Modeling: Analyze environmental impacts and optimize designs based on real-life use cases.
  • Additive Manufacturing: Support lightweighting through lattice structures, reducing material consumption and energy requirements.
  • Disassembly and Remanufacturing: Design for repair, refurbishment, and remanufacture, enhancing product lifecycle and minimizing waste.

Designing for sustainability benefits both the environment and businesses. Companies can significantly reduce their environmental footprint by considering dematerialization, disassembly, and behavioral modeling.

By partnering with EAC for solution identification and utilizing PTC’s comprehensive Creo design tools, companies can pave the way for a sustainable future while improving their bottom line. Let’s talk about how EAC can help you identify solutions to help your company embrace sustainable design practices today!

Compliance, regulations and standards are all key factors of Codebeamer.

Codebeamer challenges the fast-paced and competitive business landscape for companies streamlining their software development processes. This innovative application lifecycle management (ALM) solution solves requirements, risk, and regulation compliance issues with ease.

This article explores Codebeamer, the challenges of current regulation operations, and the capabilities of Codebeamer to overcome those challenges.

Application Lifecycle Management

Before we dive into Codebeamer, let’s talk about the impact of application lifecycle management on your production process.

For industrial products, it is estimated that over 90% of product innovation today is driven by, connected to, or enabled by, software. That sort of dependency emphasizes the need for a seamless application lifecycle management system to ensure the production of quality products keep up with the pace of software development.

There are many ways that that industrial product implementations of software might be invisible to consumers, impacting the confidence consumers have on the innovation of the product. For example, the software that controls a vehicle’s braking system, or the software app that remotely starts the vehicle and provides engine oil live notifications are both systems directly affecting the consumer.

To put it simply, ALM drives the functional behavior of a product, enabling software-driven innovation for the life of the software, not only at the product’s initial release. Software updates, for example rolled out to update a vehicle’s braking system or to a mobile app, demonstrate how ALM continues to drive functional behavior innovation beyond production.

That’s why Codebeamer is such a key component to your production process as it regulates all of your requirements and risk factors to ensure your product is up to date and following necessary compliance markers.

What is Codebeamer?

In today’s competitive business landscape, companies need efficient and collaborative solutions to streamline their software development processes while ensuring regulatory compliance.

Enter PTC’s ALM solution – Codebeamer.

Codebeamer is a complete application lifecycle management (ALM) solution that focuses on governance, development, and maintenance of software applications within a product.

Think of it as your project’s central command center, where all the pieces of the product development puzzle come together. It’s a digital hub that fosters collaboration, tracks progress, and ensures that everyone is on the same page; from engineers and designers to project managers and stakeholders.

For companies operating in heavily regulated industries, maintaining compliance with safety-critical regulations, guidelines, and quality standards can be challenging. Fortunately, Codebeamer simplifies this process with preconfigured templates and best practices.

It enables companies to enforce the use of mature processes, enhance product quality, and streamline safety-critical audit preparations. With Codebeamer, you can achieve compliance with ease, providing a single source of truth for auditors and stakeholders.

Codebeamer’s robust ALM functionalities, such as analytics, requirements and risk management, validation, DevOps, software development and product line management capabilities set it apart from the rest of the competition.

Codebeamer takes all of your development tools and houses them in one central development hub. This makes for any easy access point for all engineering needs and allows your process to be automated for regulatory compliance control.

As a developer, project manager, or team lead, you understand the importance of efficient and collaborative solutions in today’s fast paced manufacturing industry. Without the right application lifecycle management platform, you may face difficulties in streamlining your development processes while ensuring regulatory compliance. That’s where Codebeamer, a powerful and user-friendly ALM solution, comes in.

Product engineering leaders rely on Codebeamer for its enterprise-grade scalability, high availability, top-notch performance, and configurable workflows. With Codebeamer as your ALM solution, EAC is here to partner with you to overcome operational challenges and drive success in your software development efforts.

Overcoming Operational Hurdles

When companies do not utilize the advanced capabilities of ALM software like Codebeamer, they face a multitude of challenges that hinder their efficiency and productivity. Some of the challenges that companies are facing today:

Siloed Departments

First, teams often work in isolated siloes, with different members using different versions of documents. This fragmented approach leads to miscommunications, delays, and inefficiencies. Relying on paper-based processes further slows down collaboration and increases the risk of errors.

No Traceability

Without the artifact and process traceability provided by Codebeamer, companies face difficulties in tracking the evolution of their projects. No clear visibility into changes and baselines makes it challenging to manage requirements, risks, and test activities effectively. This lack of traceability can lead to confusion, rework, and compromised product quality.

No Continuous Improvement

As many have come to realize, the absence of automated workflows and process reuse capabilities means that companies must resort to manual workarounds, resulting in increased effort and a higher potential for errors. Continuous improvement becomes more difficult to achieve, as the lack of standardized processes and tools hinders the identification and implementation of best practices.

Out-dated Documentation

The reliance on Excel, Word, and paper-based processes further exacerbates these challenges, as it hampers industry-specific process enforcement, impedes e-signatures, reviews, and manual validations, and limits collaboration and accountability.

Unscalable Tools

Finally, as companies grow and evolve, their tools often fail to scale with their business needs. This puts a strain on IT resources, as they struggle to address security, performance, and high-availability concerns. The complex web of disjointed tools and broken integrations results in time-consuming and error-prone tool validations, further impeding progress and hindering collaboration.

Without Codebeamer software, companies face a multitude of challenges that limit their ability to optimize their processes, collaborate effectively, and achieve sustainable growth.

Codebeamer Capabilities

Let’s talk about how Codebeamer embraces the challenges of current processes and transforms the way companies manage requirements and risks throughout a product lifecycle. This software offers a range of powerful capabilities that empower businesses to achieve greater efficiency and collaboration.

Comprehensive Lifecycle Management

Codebeamer offers a complete suite of ALM features, including requirements management, risk management, and test management capabilities. By centralizing these processes within a single platform, teams can achieve better visibility and control over the entire development lifecycle. With Codebeamer, your company can effectively manage the flow of requirements, assess and mitigate risks, and ensure comprehensive test coverage – all within an integrated and intuitive environment.

Regulatory Compliance Made Easy

For companies operating in heavily regulated industries, maintaining compliance with safety-critical regulations, guidelines, and quality standards can be challenging.

Fortunately, Codebeamer has a variety of pre-built regulatory process management packages available to meet specific compliance needs by industry. Some of those packages are listed below:

  • Agile medical ALM for the development of medical technology & compliance with IEC 62304, IEC 60601, ISO 14971, FDA Title 21 CFR Part 11
  • Agile automotive ALM for embedded automotive systems development & compliance with IEC 61508, ISO 26262, Automotive SPICE, CMMI
  • Avionics ALM for the development of next-generation aircrafts, airborne equipment, aviation and defense systems. Compliance support for DO-178C and DO-254

These pre-built compliance “templates” make for quick deployment of a system to manage any compliance issues that your company may be facing.

Collaboration & Organization

With its wiki knowledge base, holistic search, and document management features, Codebeamer provides a comprehensive platform for organizing and accessing critical project information. Moreover, secure collaboration with both internal and external stakeholders is facilitated, ensuring seamless cooperation throughout the development process.

Process Traceability

Codebeamer goes beyond simple traceability by offering granular artifact, process, historical, and code traceability. This comprehensive traceability allows businesses to track the evolution of their projects with precision, enabling better decision-making and risk management. Additionally, the software enables the reuse of requirements, test cases, processes, and even code, promoting efficiency and reducing time and effort.

Seemless Integrations

With built-in integrations, Codebeamer seamlessly connects with popular tools, enabling smooth data exchange with MS Office and ReqIf formats. The software is also extendable through plugins and APIs, ensuring flexibility and adaptability to meet specific business needs. Furthermore, Codebeamer provides industry-specific workflow templates, along with features like e-signatures, review systems, automated audit trails, and validation. These capabilities streamline processes, drive compliance, and enhance project quality.

Integrating PLM and ALM systems enhances visibility across the engineering digital thread, provides agility to quickly react to changing needs, and guarantees the ability to capture and manage evolving requirements – all while allowing for complete end-to-end traceability.

Being under the PTC umbrella of solutions, Codebeamer now seamlessly connects with Windchill via OSLC, allowing engineers to link and trace between Windchill PLM parts to Codebeamer items like requirements or tests. A smooth overall user experience is ensured by Single-Sign On, links viewable in both directions, and automatic link suspecting following changes.

The graph below shows the different ways Windchill connects with Codebeamer and streamlines the process even more.

Enterprise Scalability

Whether your business is a small team or a large enterprise, Codebeamer scales to accommodate your needs. It offers a secure and agile platform, ensuring high-availability for uninterrupted operations. Codebeamer can be deployed as a SaaS solution, hosted in the cloud, or implemented on-premise, providing the flexibility and control required for various business environments. Regardless of the size of your company, Codebeamer can support your Agile delivery, reduce risks and costs, and accelerate cycle times.

Taking Advantage of Codebeamer

Codebeamer is a powerful ALM solution that offers numerous benefits to companies in industrial manufacturing and automotive engineering. Its unique digital workflows, regulatory compliance capabilities, and flexibility make it a standout ALM platform for any development team.

By leveraging its comprehensive lifecycle management capabilities, promoting collaboration and efficiency, simplifying regulatory compliance, and providing a scalable and intuitive platform, Codebeamer empowers teams to optimize their software development processes.

With Codebeamer’s robust capabilities, EAC is here to support your business in achieving greater success, efficiency, and collaboration throughout your development projects.

If your company aims to enhance collaboration, streamline workflows, and achieve higher product quality, Codebeamer is the solution you’ve been looking for.

Our team at EAC is committed to understanding your unique challenges and providing tailored solutions for your business. Let us showcase the expertise we have in manufacturing processes, as we partner with you to achieve success through technology and strategic thinking.

Reach out to us today or watch the webinar replay to discover the value that Codebeamer can bring to your organization.


In today’s world, it’s not uncommon for companies to be rich in data but poor in insights. Despite having access to a wealth of information, organizations struggle to properly analyze performance and drive transformational improvements. This is where ThingWorx Digital Performance Management (DPM) steps in to bridge the gap.


This week in your factory, you’ve applied maximum effort, pouring countless hours into perfecting your product. As the work week ends, a feeling of slight disappointment remains.


Could you have accomplished more? Where did it go awry? You may not be able to find the answers on your own, leaving your factory inefficient and operating below its full potential.


If this is you, look no further. With the capabilities of Thingworx Digital Performance Management, you will unleash an untapped potential of data and boost your manufacturing processes.


What is Digital Performance Management?

ThingWorx Digital Performance Management (DPM) is a cutting-edge solution designed to help organizations identify, prioritize, and improve production issues.


By capturing lost production hours and their causes, DPM indicates where to focus for the most critical impact. Also, it optimizes the finite time available, allowing organizations to reclaim lost hours and increase effective time by 20% or more. Thus, directly impacting the bottom line.


How Does DPM Work?

Consider a manufacturing facility that can produce one unit per hour. In a week with 88 hours worked, the facility manages to manufacture only 44 units. Let’s say 12 hours are lost through planned downtime and 14 hours are lost due to changeovers.


That leaves about 18 hours unaccounted for. Where did those come from? With ThingWorx DPM, you can quickly identify issues, and why they happened, and then take appropriate actions to fix them.


Moreover, DPM calculates and analyzes discrepancies, providing valuable insights to improve productivity. DPM is a comprehensive toolset that propels organizations towards peak performance by tracking performance, conducting in-depth analysis, planning, and validating improvements.


The Production Dashboard

One feature included with DPM is the Production Dashboard. The visual dashboard is a crucial tool for supervising shift performance and gathering vital data to inform reporting and analysis. It is designed for supervisors and line managers to track productivity across various production lines.


Some key features of the Production Dashboard include:

  • Provides insights into shift progress at the production block level

  • Allows for automated and manual data entry, including reason codes to capture all losses

  • And offers a simplified interface to minimize disruption


Bottleneck Analysis

The Bottleneck Analysis tool is designed to automatically detect and monitor the most significant bottlenecks in your factory, providing valuable analysis and insights into OEE and OLE.


One of the challenges that customers face is a lack of visibility into bottlenecks, which leads to a disconnect between continuous improvement efforts and their impact on the business. However, bottlenecks are often dynamic and complex.


To address these challenges, DPM offers key capabilities to help identify and resolve:

  • Automatically identifying and tracking bottlenecks.

  • Systematic identification of the top constraints, which can significantly increase factory efficiency by 5-20%.

  • Management of the dynamic nature of competing bottlenecks.


Overall, DPM works relentlessly, making up for lost time by tracing the root cause of issues and providing precise remedies to ensure smooth and efficient functionality. Consider DPM an invaluable employee, working tirelessly around the clock without additional overtime costs!


Accelerate Problem Solving with DPM

DPM’s capabilities extend beyond surface-level analysis. By combining Pareto analysis and time loss analytics, DPM users can uncover and address a significant percentage of production problems.


Additionally, with the further integration of AI and machine learning, DPM streamlines the identification of patterns in data, resulting in faster problem-solving and decision-making.


For instance, a DPM user noticed quality losses between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. Thanks to DPM’s automated analysis, the manufacturing team quickly determined that the issue was caused by a glare from the sunset, making the inspection camera unreliable.


All in all, DPM helped accelerate the problem-solving process saving valuable time and resources.


Reap the Benefits

Digital Performance Management is as remarkable as it sounds. DPM holds the secret to your production improvements and is ready to share them with you. Discover the plethora of benefits that are tied to DPM:


  • Standardized Measurement: DPM provides a consistent and standardized approach to measure losses, ensuring accurate evaluation of bottlenecks, and their impact on performance.


  • Efficient Root Cause Analysis: Leveraging AI technology, DPM identifies the root causes of bottlenecks and facilitates their permanent resolution, eliminating recurring issues.


  • Automated Problem Identification: DPM’s powerful AI algorithms automate the process of surfacing common issues, exponentially reducing the time spent on problem-solving.


  • Real-time Insights: What once took months to identify critical insights now becomes easily accessible through DPM’s intuitive interface, providing teams with immediate access to actionable insights.


Get Started with DPM Today!

In conclusion, if you want to revolutionize your performance management and take your organization to new heights, it’s time to embrace Digital Performance Management.


Remember, in today’s fast-paced world, those who leverage technology to gain insights and make data-driven decisions are the ones who thrive.


Are you ready to unlock the true potential of your organization with Digital Performance Management? Talk with an expert now to take your first steps toward success.