Are you hearing voices? If not, you should be!

Well, are you hearing voices? You know, the voices telling you how to make more money, or the whispers of how you can improve your business, or maybe they’re loud and proud notices of problems before they occur. Where would such messages of insight and prosperity come from? I’m talking about the voices of all that expensive equipment you have that keeps producing your product.

As manufacturers, we all invest heavily in the equipment, maintenance, and staff to keep it running smoothly or sometimes get it running quickly after unexpected malfunctions. What would it mean to your business if your equipment could tell you how well it’s running and if something is going to malfunction before it even happens? The ability for your equipment to ‘talk’ to you could substantially impact planning, proactive maintenance, utilization, production rates, overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), and most certainly the bottom line.

Business 101 — businesses require a solid Return on Investment (ROI). High cap ex-equipment implies the “I” and requires production to make the “R.” We all run this daily balance of scheduling maintenance, guessing what needs to be fixed, hoping everything runs right over the third shift and talking ourselves into the thought that we’re getting the most from the equipment. Taking a long look in the mirror might challenge that thought.

Considering connectivity is cheaper and ‘nearly’ everywhere, along with easier ways to stream, collect and refine data into actionable information, the realistic impact of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) brings some futuristic opportunities to your desktop for implementation today.

Think About the Possibilities

What if your equipment could self-diagnose problems, predict failure timelines and prioritize maintenance based on enterprise-wide visibility to OEE, production demands and current performance?

How about leveraging Augmented Reality (AR) to peer into the heart of operating equipment for live feedback and real-time vision-based maintenance instruction holo-deck style?

What if you could view the rates and predicted issues of entire production lines from a single-pane-of-glass? Imagine viewing this with live interactive graphics, drill-down analytics, and mashups pulling data from existing silos of information.

While some of this seems like a ‘nice-to-have future state,’ rest assured, this is as real and available as it comes. It’s what can be implemented so you can start hearing voices. It’s ThingWorx. ThingWorx is a tool to enable developers such as yourself to rapidly connect, create, and deploy breakthrough applications, solutions, and experiences for the smart, connected world. Furthermore, ThingWorx Analytics enables you to uncover the true value of your smart connected manufacturing floor data. Learn from past data, understand and predict the future, and make decisions that will enhance outcomes.

If you’d like more information about connecting your products through smart manufacturing, you may find our brochure helpful.

I applaud anyone currently considering how the Internet of Things (IoT) can transform their company and their approach to competition. This is what every industrial and consumer product company should be doing right now. While helping companies through the early stages of developing IoT strategies we’ve recognized a common challenge. Teams can get lost in the excitement of enabling their first “thing” and lose focus on their long-term vision and the value they can extract from streaming data. We get it! The IoT is exciting. That is why we always coach our clients to select an IoT platform (software) that allows them to quickly and easily develop applications that present valuable, digestible information to employees and customers – whether or not a role or data stream was part of the initial strategy.
This week provided me with a front row seat to unexpected value from streaming data. While working on an IoT proof of concept for a client, my team was able to refine a data stream and deliver a new application to an audience that was not part of the initial scope of the project. The only reason we were able to create this new application without charging an additional fee is because we selected ThingWorx, a solution by PTC as the application/mashup development tool. Thingworx helps teams create new applications in minutes.

I try to spend the majority of my time working on IoT strategies and how they can transform companies and competition. My background in engineering and software development provides me with a unique view into the time spent making things smart — providing sensor networks, communication layers, and ultimately enabling heretofore unseen analytics in real-time on remote products. The project the Connect Services team and I were working on this week involved developing mashups, which stemmed from earlier strategy work and team alignment. Mashups are the collection and presentation of data from smart things and systems enabling real-time business awareness and decision-making. For this project, we had already developed storyboards for the apps that would enable core product and service differentiation. Everyone was on board and excited.

Once the proof of concept device was wired and streaming data, we saw a whole new role that would benefit from the data that was streaming. Previously, the engineers would have been left hanging and the data would have been left alone and isolated. This is because developing an extra application for ancillary roles would have taken the project well off track. Leveraging ThingWorx as our application development environment, we were able to build a concept from scratch in literally seconds. What’s really cool is that it didn’t take any code at all either, just drag, drop, save, and we were in business. The concept made sense and in literally a couple of hours (not days or weeks) we had created an entirely new app and use case for the data. We were able to refine the data in real-time and create a whole new monitoring experience. Again, this was done without coding, just simply drag and drop.

So, here’s my recommendation — make sure your IoT platform supports your IoT strategy. And what’s more, be sure the platform you select is a tool that is flexible, fast, and fun — like ThingWorx. You will likely find more and more ways to consume, refine, and benefit from the data your connected products and enterprise produce just because it’s easy to do. And this, after all, is what your IoT platform should do — it should enable your existing business initiatives and accelerate your business initiatives.

EAC Connect Services is here to help you develop your IoT strategy, build and connect your proof of concept, and select the appropriate platform. Let us be your partner in the ever-changing world of the IoT. Please let us know if we can help you transform your business and help you beat your competition.

As I was sipping on my coffee and brainstorming how to begin writing this blog, I had an epiphany. I could sit here and tell you about 6 ways to build an effective IoT strategy, I could. Or I could tell you to go to this page, and download a brochure that discusses everything I would have mentioned in this blog.

I was going to provide 6 ways you can develop an effective IoT strategy, with exclusive information detailing how EAC Connect Services can do such a thing. However, we have a brochure that does that. So, in an effort to minimize redundancy, how about you read through the brochure, dig through our IoT blogs here, and after you do that, we’ll give you a call.

The IoT is expected to drive exponential growth over the next 10 years. So much so that ‘things’ will outnumber human life. You don’t want to miss the opportunity sitting right in front of you. Join the movement. Call us –  EAC Connect Services is here to help you develop your IoT strategy. Let us be your partner in the ever-changing world of the IoT.

Download the EAC Connect Services Brochure

Why bother with the Internet of Things (IoT)?

Great question! Maybe to understand your product, make a deeper connection with customers, create a new business model, increase revenue or even build a new revenue stream. Perhaps you’d like to find out what your products are doing after you sell them and figure out which features to include or remove from your next iteration. There are piles of ideas and ways to make the IoT work for you. In short, however, it depends on your initiatives — and the IoT could be just the thing you need to move your initiatives from “How are we gonna do that?” to “This is gonna be awesome!”

When considering your corporate initiatives and the IoT, I’d encourage you to integrate them rather than looking at them as separate things. At EAC, our Connect Services (the way we help customers achieve their IoT objectives) starts with strategy. You’ve got to make a connection between the motivation to have smart and connected products and your initiatives. In other words, your approach to the IoT could be the central catalyst of your initiatives. Otherwise, it’s just a fun and techy science project without clear direction.

Let’s say you’re a forward thinking company and you call yourself innovative while having a goal of improving dealer service capabilities and increasing end-customer engagement. Perhaps you could build a whole new business unit that collects data from your product in the field and distributes use and service information back to your dealers as they provide service. It could increase revenue (data/subscription sales to dealers), increase your ‘innovative edge’ as perceived by your end customers (through apps and product information) and feeds feature and performance data back into your design cycle. You could aggregate the data from your products in the field to your ERP and MRP systems and have truly integrated (connected) PLM into your business. Just for the sake of argument, this could include role-specific mobile device apps for dealers, DIY repair, data junkies and regional usage maps. We could even weave this into production and procurement roles and have data actually ‘flowing’ in several directions. Who knows where it could lead.

Ok, now back to avoiding the ‘science project.’ The key is to have a strategy — figure out why you want to be part of the IoT and then go do it. Our goal at EAC is to help companies transform the way they design, manufacture, connect to and service their products. As a part of that, we’d like to help you build your strategy, devise ‘connected things,’ and implement a facilitating platform easing the access, sharing and use of the information. This 3-legged stool is what we place our IoT strategy on — next time I’ll talk more about the ‘things’ or the ‘platform.’ For now, how can we help you build your IoT strategy? Let us know…

There’s a lot of buzz these days about leveraging the internet and the ‘cloud’ for business — especially in the realms of product development. Phrases like Internet of Things (IoT), Machine 2 Machine, Product as a Service, Internet of Everything, Cloud Things, Connected Products and others get thrown around daily. Regardless of the term you use, the real intent of any of these IoT projects is to generate some additional value. That could be from more capability, deeper customer interaction, predictive maintenance, new revenue streams, market share, knowledge of how the product is being used or many other scenarios. I thought it would be fun to leverage it for gardening!

This time of year, there are a lot of northern gardeners are doing a dance with garden plants they’ve started from seed while winter was still rolling along. Now the seedlings want to be outside in the sun, but its too cold at night. The plants are getting crowded and too big to park in a window in the living room. Build a plastic tent outside as a make-shift greenhouse and it’s too hot during the day. So you’re left with shuffling the plants inside and outside to follow the spring sun and avoid a late frost. But how do you balance this while keeping your day job?

Our Makeshift IoT Greenhouse

Enter the IoT and a little project in our parking lot… With a little creativity, some parts we had around and a few extra parts from the thrift store, we built an ‘almost’ free greenhouse we can monitor through any web-browser. Our interest at first is simply to monitor the temperature, relative humidity and light level both inside and outside the greenhouse. It’s fun to see the values ebb and flow with the day and with the weather. This was achieved through an Ethernet connected Arduino wired to a photoresistor and a pair of DHT11 Digital Humidity and Temperature sensors. Currently the system feeds into ThingSpeak for graphical representation with plans to port it over to ThingWorx in upcoming days.


Since the sun is hot this time of year but the cold weather isn’t over, we’ll likely experience some high temperature spikes and some cold nights that could damage the tomatoes. This brings up phase 2 — ‘control.’ Our near term plans are to have powered ventilation and heating to kick in either by reaching through the internet or with the internal controller. Eventually we’ll get to a fully autonomous greenhouse that manage temperature, have sensors in the soil monitoring moisture and turning on/off soaker hoses and misting fans all the while keeping us informed on a smart phone. Those are going to be happy tomatoes with their own twitter account…

Maybe all this tech and automation will take some of the fun out of gardening and fiddling with the plants to get it ‘just right’. What’s more likely is that it will just encourage the acquisition of more plants and the need for a bigger garden and a bigger greenhouse with more automation — but that would be fun too…

EAC Product Development Solutions is a Minnesota based company providing engineering and product development software, service and consulting to the discrete manufacturing industry. With 20 years of product development experience, EAC is seeking to help companies that desire to get more from their products through the IoT. We engage in all aspects of product strategy, product design and enabling technology to achieve those goals. Please contact Rob at to find out more.

This tutorial is a follow-up to my previous tutorial, “Getting Started with the Arduino Uno and ThingWorx.” Connecting to ThingWorx with the Arduino is easy if you possess an Ethernet or WiFi Shield but you can still connect without one! Using the Processing language you can send data from your Arduino to a computer via a serial connection and push it to ThingWorx.


  • ThingWorx hosted instance
  • Arduino Uno
  • Processing Environment (found at
  • Arduino Environment

In this post:

Introduction to Processing:

Processing is the language that the Arduino language is built on. This means that the syntax is very similar. I would recommend visiting the tutorials and documentation that is provided on the site as it is very informative and helpful.


In order to push data to your ThingWorx thing refer to my previous tutorial, “Getting Started with the Arduino Uno and ThingWorx,” to get a Thing and Service set up. Next, copy and paste the example code that is included with this post. That’s really all you need to do!

More specifically, enter all of your pertinent server and thing information into your processing code. You should now be ready to start pushing data to ThingWorx. Fire up your Arduino and upload the example code to it. Next, push the “play” button at the top of your Processing Environment.

You may run into a few issues. One, if your Processing code throws an error about your serial port (it will say something about a “null exception”) you’ll need to determine which serial port your Arduino is at. The Processing code will print a list of available ports and default to the first one on the list. If your port is different then you can change it in the code:

You will also have an issue if you try and open your Serial Monitor in your Arduino Environment. This will cause your port to become unavailable.

You can either change the highlighted number to match the position that the port is listed or just change the highlighted variable portName to the actual name of the port:

The Processing code will print a list of available ports and default to the first one on the list. If your port is different then you can change it in the code:

You will also have an issue if you try and open your Serial Monitor in your Arduino Environment. This will cause your port to become unavailable.

Advantages and Disadvantages: Now that you know how to connect your Arduino to ThingWorx using three different methods, let’s discuss some possible advantages and disadvantages of each. In the case of the Ethernet Shield, you are able to move from one network to another without much issue. No new coding is needed. With the WiFi shield, you must recode your Arduino any time that you switch networks so you can enter the SSID and Security Code if needed. However, once the Arduino is configured correctly, you merely turn it on and it runs as a standalone device.

The serial connection allows you connect to the internet without the use of a shield. The cost of an Ethernet or WiFi shield is typically between $30 and 80$ depending on the manufacturer. A disadvantage is that you must be tethered to the Arduino with a computer if you want to send data.

The Processing language is very easy to learn and there are tutorials on the web that will instruct you on how to build user interfaces that you can control your Arduino with. This makes the serial connection an attractive option if you want some control over pins or variables on your Arduino!

And now for some code…

ThingWorx Serial Example for Arduino Uno

This Arduino and Processing code allows you to connect to ThingWorx without the use of an Ethernet
or WiFi Shield.  The data is sent from the Arduino to the computer via the serial (USB) connection
to your computer.  All server and “Thing” data goes into the Processing code that is commented out
at the end of the Arduino Code. When you are running this code do NOT use the Serial Monitor in the
Arduino environment as it will interrupt the Serial connection to Processing.  The Processing language
can be found at

Created by Nick Milleson
Design Engineer
EAC Product Development Solutions

//Make sure that SENSORCOUNT matches SENSORCOUNT in the Processing code

double sensorValues[SENSORCOUNT];

//Denote the pins you will be using
int sensorPins[] = {A0, A1, A2, A3};

void setup() {
//begin Serial connection

for (int idx = 0; idx < SENSORCOUNT; idx++)
pinMode(sensorPins[idx], INPUT);


void loop() {

//Read info from the pins
for (int idx = 0; idx < SENSORCOUNT; idx++)
sensorValues[idx] = analogRead(sensorPins[idx]);

//send out a serial message that tells your Processing code that you are beginning a transmission

for (int idx = 0; idx < SENSORCOUNT; idx++)
//Send data over the serial port


ThingWorx Serial Example for Arduino Uno

This Arduino and Processing code allows you to connect to ThingWorx without the use of an Ethernet
or WiFi Shield.  The data is sent from the Arduino to the computer via the serial (USB) connection
to your computer.

Enter your Server, appKey, Thing, Service, and sensorNames to match up with the data being sent by
the Arduino.  Make sure that you do NOT use the Serial monitor in the Arduino Environment. It will
disrupt the connection.

For a tutorial on creating your Thing and Service, visit:
Getting Started with the Arduino Uno and ThingWorx

Created by Nick Milleson
Design Engineer
EAC Product Development Solutions
import processing.serial.*;

Client myClient;                     // Client object

Serial myPort;                       // The serial port

final int SENSORCOUNT = 4;           // This value must match SENSORCOUNT in your Arduino Code

String sensorValues[] = new String[SENSORCOUNT];
String junk;
String beginString = “begin”;
String myServer = “enter server here”;
String appKey = “enter appKey here”;
String thingName = “enter Thing here”;
String serviceName = “Enter Service here”;
String myURI = “POST /Thingworx/Things/” + thingName + “/Services/” + serviceName + “?appKey=” + appKey + “&method=post&x-thingworx-session=true<“;
String myHost = “Host: ” + myServer;
String myContent = “Content-type: text/htmln”;
String sensorNames[] = {
“valueOne”, “valueTwo”, “valueThree”, “valueFour”
};  //Enter your variable names (these must match the inputs in your Service)

void setup() {

// Print a list of the serial ports, for debugging purposes:

String portName = Serial.list()[0];
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);

myClient = new Client(this, myServer, 80);

int idx = SENSORCOUNT + 2;

void draw() {

if (myPort.available() > 0)
junk = null;
junk = myPort.readStringUntil(‘n’);

// look for the initial “begin” string that Arduino sends
if (junk != null)
if (beginString.equals(trim(junk)))
junk = null;

//Read each sensor value
if ((junk != null) && (idx < SENSORCOUNT))
sensorValues[idx] = junk;
junk = null;

//When all sensor values have been read, send the info to ThingWorx
if (idx == SENSORCOUNT)


for (int index = 0; index < SENSORCOUNT; index++)
myClient.write(“&” + sensorNames[index] + “=” + trim(sensorValues[index]));
myClient.write(“> HTTP/1.1n”);
myClient.write(myHost + ‘n’);
myClient.write(myContent + ‘n’);

println(“Sending this REST call:”);
for (int index = 0; index < SENSORCOUNT; index++)
print(“&” + sensorNames[index] + “=” + trim(sensorValues[index]));
print(“> HTTP/1.1n”);
print(myHost + ‘n’);
print(myContent + ‘n’);

idx = SENSORCOUNT + 2;