For all Windchill users, maintaining your Windchill system isn’t just about avoiding headaches—it’s about ensuring your workdays flow as smoothly as your designs. Here’s a roadmap to a healthy Windchill environment, based on vital actions you can take today.

1. A Quick Health Check-Up of Your System

Imagine your Windchill system as a hardworking heart in your organization. To keep it beating strong, regularly peek into:

  • Downtime: We all hate waiting, don’t we? Minimize this as much as possible.
  • Memory Usage: Red numbers are red flags.
  • Servlet Response Time: More red? Time to act.
  • Garbage Collection Mode: If it’s happening over 80% of the time, it’s too much.

As a site admin, keeping an eye on these metrics is key to preemptive maintenance.

2. Dive into Server Logs

If you’re up for a bit of investigative work, scan through your server logs. This may include:

  • Apache & Method Server Logs: Look out for unusual patterns or errors.
  • Background Server Manager: Unexpected behavior here could be a sign of trouble.

Understanding these logs is like reading the tea leaves for your system’s health.

3. Disk Space & Back-Up

Aim to keep at least 15% of your server drive-free. Think of it as keeping your workspace tidy for efficiency. And, don’t forget to monitor the storage available for backups – your safety net needs to be ready at all times.

4. Matching Users with Licenses

Are you aware of how many people access Windchill and if you have the licenses to cover them? Regularly review the following to avoid legal trouble with software manufacturers:

  • Light Licenses: Perfect for those who just need to view and print.
  • Heavy Licenses: For the CAD superheroes and others who dive deeper.

Aligning your user count with your license agreement is a fundamental compliance matter.

5. Clean Up Log Files

Low disk space can lead to performance issues. If your log files are growing:

  • Check the date created.
  • Decide whether they’re still useful.

Old log files can often be archived or deleted to free up space.

6. Clean Up Unreferenced Files

Lastly, clean up the unreferenced files in your file vaults. This process removes orphan files that consume valuable space. Refer to Windchill Help for detailed instructions, but remember:

BEWARE! Once these files are deleted, they’re gone forever.

Adopting these six steps in your regular Windchill system check-up can drastically improve your system’s health and performance. Stay proactive to keep the cogs of your Windchill system— and therefore your production—running without a glitch.

If you are looking to check in on your Windchill system, but are unsure where to get started, you can contact one of our experts to learn more.

1. Why do I need to do regular maintenance on my PTC Windchill system?

Critical systems, like Windchill PLM, must be available to users. This is why it is so important to do regular maintenance on your PTC Windchill system. Windchill system outages can be costly and impact system adoption and usage.  Therefore, it is recommended that you complete regular, preventative maintenance to identify and resolve issues before they cause performance problems or service interruptions.

2. What is included in the Alliance program?

We start by assessing your department and company’s needs. We combine the assessment results with our understanding of successful Windchill implementations and deliver recommendations and a plan for a stable, high-performance Windchill instance. The flexibility of the Alliance program allows us to configure an engagement as needed. This gives us the ability to tailor the program specifically to your company.

3.  Can my staff complete the Windchill maintenance activities?

Certainly!  Keep in mind that preventative Windchill maintenance tasks are commonly an afterthought, and other projects are likely to take precedence.  As the staff becomes busier, their dependence on a functioning Windchill system increases.  These would be times when a system outage during a critical project could prove to be disastrous.

4. Can you train my staff to complete Windchill maintenance tasks?

Yes, in fact we would love to help train your staff how to complete Windchill maintenance tasks.  EAC has PTC certified instructors that are available to deliver all of the Windchill Business and System Admin training courses offered by PTC.  After attending these classes your staff will be ready to take on their new Windchill responsibilities.  Additionally, we can provide mentoring with our Windchill experts to answer all of your Windchill maintenance questions.

5. What are some benefits of using the EAC Alliance program?

One of the core benefits of the EAC Alliance Program is the ability to take a proactive approach to maintaining your Windchill system – ensuring high availability and performance.  By completing regular system maintenance and software updates you are able to better leverage your PTC investment.  You can also eliminate the need to maintain a staff of Windchill Administration experts by assigning these system and business admin tasks to our EAC’s expert consultants.  Our Windchill consultants have years of experience and complete these same activities on a daily, weekly and monthly basis for many Alliance Program customers.

6. Are Windchill system updates and upgrades included in the Alliance Program?

Yes, the EAC Alliance Program can be structured to include Windchill system updates and upgrades. When you include this in your Alliance Program you can easily budget a fixed cost over the upcoming months and years.

7. Can you support my Global company?

Yes.  While EAC is based in the United States, we are part of the PTC Strategic Partner network giving us access to many additional resources overseas.  We call on these partners to help with implementation, training, and support services local to international facilities.

8. Are you able to provide 24/7 Windchill support?

Yes.  We can provide your company access to our support case submission system, which will allow your Windchill users to log cases at any time of day.  If emergency Windchill support is required (noted by the priority level assigned to your case), our team will be notified immediately and begin support.  If you require overseas support, and international support is included in your Alliance Program agreement, we will coordinate with a local PTC partner to address the issue.

9. Doesn’t my PTC Maintenance agreement include similar Windchill services?

No.  Your PTC maintenance agreement covers all Windchill updates to software that you have purchased as well as technical support should you have a problem that requires resolution.  It does not include the services necessary to update, upgrade and maintain your Windchill system.

10.  How much does the EAC Alliance Program cost?

This varies based on the complexity of your Windchill environment and the level of support you would like to include in your service level agreement (SLA).  This can be determined by having a quick conversation with your team and proposing a solution that correctly addresses your needs. Contact us today for further information!

Blog CTA Looking for someone to manage your Windchill services

Managing a new enterprise system can be a daunting task. It can test your staff’s knowledge bases and affect the top and bottom line of your business. That being said, many companies have invested in some sort of PLM or PDM tool (learn more about what ERP, MRP, PLM, and PDM are in this post). This post is for everyone that has invested in a PLM/PDM tool and wants to make sure they’re getting the most out of the investment.

Here are five signs it is time to invest in PLM consulting.

1. You use your PLM /PDM system solely for data management 

Many people purchase PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) systems and struggle to use them to their full potential.

They relegate these amazing systems to simple file vaults.

But, they paid for so much more.

If you’re implementing a PLM tool and use it as a  data vault, you’ve essentially taken on 100% of the investment to recognize 20% of the benefit.

Without full understanding and utilization of your PLM system, you’re missing the opportunity to capture the main benefits of these investments.

When fully implemented and adopted, these systems integrate people, data, processes and much more.

2. You don’t fully understand your PLM system 

I hope none of you that relate to this point think I’m calling you dumb.

PLM is just…a lot.

A good analogy is a car.

We all understand the basics; four wheels, seats, steering wheel, engine.

It is obvious why I want a car, the benefits are clear to me.

That doesn’t mean I know how to troubleshoot, install, and maintain an ignition system.

It is not uncommon to have the wrong idea of PLM system complexity.

They do a lot: data management, process management, lifecycle change, and much more.

This could be why 70 percent of PLM investments are failing to meet manager expectations.

When PLM systems are implemented correctly, they allow your company to further maximize productivity.

3. You Find Yourself Re-Inventing the Wheel

Product lifecycle management solutions are enterprise level systems.

When you attempt to utilize optional configurations, they become complex quickly.

Due to this, many companies find themselves reinventing the wheel around correct PLM configurations.

When this happens, you are only taking more steps backward.

This can easily be avoided with the help of a knowledgeable PLM consultant who is familiar with your situation and has the ability to direct you down the right path.

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4. You have multiple issues with PLM system stability 

With so many companies investing large amounts of money into PLM enterprise systems, it is important for them to be working correctly.

If your PLM system is continually going down or needs to be restarted, this is another sign you should look into PLM consulting.

A product lifecycle management consultant with experience could locate and diagnose the root cause of your PLM system’s problems, allowing your company to avoid them in the future.

5. Your users complain about general PLM system usability

If your team is constantly complaining about the general performance and interaction on of your PLM interface, odds are that your system hasn’t been properly configured.

Complaints are one thing, but an inability to address the cause and improve user’s situation— that can have a dramatic impact on employee satisfaction and productivity.

User complaints are typically symptoms of larger PLM issues.

An experienced PLM admin can typically decode user feedback and develop a plan to dramatically improve productivity and UX.

The need for ongoing product lifecycle management system administration and maintenance is often overlooked by many companies.

For PLM systems to properly evolve, it is important to partner with system experts who can help your business succeed.

Free Windchill System Check-Up