Integrating ERP and PLM systems

In today’s fast-paced manufacturing landscape, the new norm is to constantly seek ways to optimize your operations, increase productivity, and reduce costs. The integration of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems is a proven strategy for achieving these goals. By aligning these two critical systems, you can unlock a world of opportunities to streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and drive success throughout the entire product lifecycle.

In this blog, you will uncover the benefits of integrating ERP and PLM systems. We’ll also provide you with a detailed breakdown of the ABCs of integration – which data should be integrated, where and how that data should be integrated, and when it’s best to start the integration process.


Before diving into the integration process, it’s important to understand the functions and purposes of ERP and PLM systems.

Enterprise Resource Planning

ERP systems are designed to manage physical assets, encompassing activities such as financials, purchasing, HR, demand and order management, forecasting, production planning, inventory management, and logistics. These systems such as SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft Dynamics ensure that products are produced according to demand, within schedule, and controlling costs.

As many have come to understand, the key to achieving success within your production process lies in adequately planning for the use of enterprise resources to meet customer demand and report financial results.

That’s why an ERP suite is designed with this goal in mind. It empowers your business with the tools and capabilities to effectively manage traditionally back-office resources, ensuring that operations align seamlessly with customer demand.

By harnessing the power of an ERP suite, you can optimize your planning processes, enhance operational efficiency, and deliver superior financial results to your constituents.

Product Lifecycle Management

On the other hand, PLM systems such as Arena, Agile, Teamcenter, Windchill and Autodesk are focused on managing the digital product definition. They are purpose-built to manage the digital product definition, encompassing anything that defines the form, fit, and function of a part, system, or vehicle.

PLM systems deliver comprehensive and robust data management capabilities, standardize and automate your product development business processes, and enable flexible and efficient collaboration with global teams across multiple departments and organizations.

As you can see, both of these systems have important functions for a smooth running production process, but they can often be disparate within a company. Understanding how to integrate these systems is the key to advancing the way you do business.

Integrating PLM and ERP

When it comes to integrating your ERP and PLM systems, understanding how to do that can feel overwhelming. There are three different levels of integration: one-way file push, API call, and a third-party integration platform. Understanding which level fits the needs of your company is vital for a successful integration. Let’s explore some key advantages:

Streamlined Workflows

Integration allows you to experience seamless data flow and improved collaboration between departments, eliminating redundant data entry and ensuring data accuracy. This streamlined workflow minimizes errors and delays, optimizing your productivity and reducing cycle times throughout the product lifecycle. You no longer have to manually enter BoM data into an ERP system and ensure that the data is correct in both systems.

Enhanced Data Visibility

By integrating ERP and PLM systems, you gain a holistic view of your product information. This integrated approach eliminates data silos and provides real-time visibility into critical data points, enabling you to make informed decisions and eliminating guesswork from your operations.

Improved Product Quality

This process empowers capture and link quality-related data at every stage of your product lifecycle. This comprehensive view of product quality enables you to detect issues early on and streamline processes for corrective actions, ultimately leading to improved product quality and increased customer satisfaction.

Cost Efficiency

Integrating ERP and PLM systems eliminates the need for you to duplicate data entry and automates data exchange between systems. This saves you time, reduces errors, and minimizes your operational costs. Additionally, with better inventory management and production planning capabilities, you can optimize your resource allocation, minimizing wastage, and improving your cost efficiency.

Accelerated Time to Market

When you connect your engineering, manufacturing, and supply chain processes, your teams can seamlessly collaborate in real-time, enabling efficient communication and shortening your product development cycles. This collaborative approach gives your business a distinct competitive edge in the market, helping you achieve success.

Levels of Integration

When it comes to integrating your ERP and PLM systems, understanding how to do that can feel overwhelming. In the case you don’t know what level of integration would be best for your company’s needs, let’s explore the different levels below:

One-Way File Push

The first level is a simple one-way push. This means that your PLM system has the ability to create a data distribution packet (ex. BoM in a CVS, part file or PDF file format) that is released to the ERP system and then the info is stored in both systems.

This type of push can be set up to be done either direction to maximize data sharing and a smooth process. This level of integration will log everything, but not provide error or checking feedback. This is a great level for companies looking to minimize issues of mismatched data.

API Call

The second level of integration is connecting your PLM system directly with other systems – Microstoft dynamics or other systems. This means that there is a rest service API call from the PLM system to release data directly into another system.

That being said, you will get error checking and logging from this level of integration, unlike the first level. A company might opt to do this level due to a need for logging and checking or because their ERP system doesn’t support importing data through files like the initial level would require.

Third Party Integration Platform

The third integration level piggy backs off of level two. Not only does it have logging and checking, but it performs a push and pull between the systems seamlessly. This level of integration works well for large companies with multiple systems to push and pull from. There are are third party integration tools like Tibco that integrate systems such as SAP and Oracle.

Ultimately, understanding the basics of ERP and PLM integration levels and the influencing factors such as cost, error checking, number of systems, company size and many more, is vital to understanding which level fits the needs of your company.

So, what are the next steps to finding that right integration and beginning your journey?

Next Steps of Integration

Integrating your ERP and PLM systems is a game-changer for your manufacturing business. By streamlining workflows, enhancing data visibility, improving product quality, optimizing costs, and accelerating time to market, this integration unlocks a world of opportunities for success.

While you may be hesitant to begin an integration like this because of data clean up still needed, EAC is here to provide services to clean up data to make sure the integration runs smoothly.

Finding a trustworthy partner to help with implementation can be difficult and daunting. Lucky for you, EAC has years of deep expertise in manufacturing processes to ensure a smooth integration journey. We work collaboratively with you to assess your requirements, design a tailored integration strategy, and seamlessly implement the solution that meets your specific business goals.

With EAC by your side, you can confidently embark on this transformative journey, knowing that our collaborative and solution-oriented approach will help you navigate the complexities and achieve your future state. Get in touch with EAC today and let us drive your success through integrated ERP and PLM systems.

3D model for model-based definiton

Model-Based Definition (MBD) is more than just a buzzword; it’s a paradigm shift that is reshaping the industry.

This article delves into the revolutionary nature of MBD, as it emerges as a true game changer unlocking endless opportunities for collaboration and innovation – which are truly transforming design and manufacturing processes in ways never seen before.

The Future is No Longer 2D

First, let’s dive into the power of breaking down barriers and embracing new, innovative approaches that are shaping the future of engineering.

Engineering has come a long way since its inception, and visionary designers have always pushed the boundaries of what’s possible by refining designs using traditional 2D formats.

However, even today, many companies continue to use 2D design because it is familiar, comfortable, and has a lower initial cost.

While traditional 2D design formats have been the norm for many years, it’s essential to recognize that relying solely on these methods can have its drawbacks. There is a higher likelihood of errors, miscommunication, and inconsistencies, leading to numerous design reworks and prolonged time-to-market.

The good news is that the field of engineering has witnessed remarkable developments in recent years, offering new solutions that go beyond traditional 2D formats. By embracing cutting-edge technologies like computer-aided design (CAD) and 3D printing, engineers now have the ability to visualize, iterate, and perfect designs in a digital realm before bringing them to life.

With these advancements, designers can significantly minimize errors and improve precision, making the design process more efficient.

By shattering the limits of traditional 2D formats, engineers can unlock endless possibilities and transform the way designs are brought to life.

So, while traditional 2D design may be familiar and comfortable, it’s time for companies to embrace these new solutions and stay ahead of the curve.

Gone are the days of relying solely on traditional 2D formats and passing papers from design to the shop floor, hoping for a seamless transition.

Model-Based Definition (MBD) empowers engineers to go beyond these limitations and embrace a digital realm where designs are visualized, iterated, and refined with unprecedented precision.

But that’s just the beginning. MBD opens up a world of possibilities for collaboration and innovation. It enables seamless integration with cutting-edge technologies like computer-aided design (CAD) and 3D printing, making ideas come to life faster and more accurately.

Join us on this exhilarating journey as we uncover the potential of Model-Based Definition and explore how it is transforming the engineering landscape.

How MBD is Changing the Game

In today’s fast-paced manufacturing industry, the need for increased efficiency, accuracy, and innovation is more significant than ever before.

Yet, for countless years, 2D drawings have been the go-to deliverables for product definition.

These drawings have been used by Engineering, Manufacturing, and other users to communicate design form and fit information required to drive manufacturing processes.

But as we know today, In the realm of engineering and manufacturing, efficiency is paramount.

With the rapid advancement of technology, and the need to shorten product development cycles, 2D drawings have proven to be insufficient in some respects.

The ability to seamlessly communicate design intent and product specifications plays a critical role in achieving customer satisfaction and reducing errors. This is where Model-Based Definition (MBD) comes into the picture.

Unlike 2D models, which can be difficult to interpret and visualize, MBD enables stakeholders to better understand the design intent and product specifications.

With MBD, design iterations become faster and more efficient. Modifying the 3D model allows engineers to evaluate different design possibilities without the need to manually update multiple 2D drawings

Likewise, inherent to 2D models is the potential for errors and misinterpretation during the translation process. MBD eliminates this risk by embedding all the necessary information directly into the 3D CAD model.

Furthermore, traditional 2D models tend to require multiple drawings for comprehensive documentation, which can be time-consuming to create and maintain. MBD eases these processes by consolidating all the relevant information into a single digital model, which in-turn, simplifies the documentation process and makes it easier to update when changes are made.

While the transition to Model-Based Definition may require some initial investment and adjustment, the benefits far outweigh the challenges. MBD not only streamlines engineering and manufacturing processes but also improves collaboration, reduces errors, and enhances overall product quality.

Model-based definition offers a new way of thinking about and creating products.

What is Model Based Definition?

So, what is MBD?

Model-Based Definition is a revolutionary approach to creating 3D models so that they effectively contain all the data needed to define a product.

MBD defines the source of Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) as the 3D model (Model-Based) to dictate a product’s features, tolerances, and other critical information.

By incorporating everything into the product definition, MBD aims to replace traditional 2D drawings with comprehensive 3D models. This involves attaching all the necessary geometric, dimensional, and other manufacturing information directly to the 3D CAD model, eliminating the need for separate 2D drawings.

As the manufacturing industry moves towards a more digitally connected and efficient future, Model-Based Definition is at the forefront of this revolution, paving the way for more effective product development and manufacturing practices.

Model-based Definition e-book download

The Future of Engineering: Embracing Model-Based Definition

Let’s talk abut how MBD works.

With MBD, the 3D CAD model becomes the primary source of information, acting as a complete and accurate representation of the product. The embedded data not only includes the physical characteristics but also encompasses vital manufacturing instructions, such as tolerances, surface finishes, and materials specifications.

Through MBD, the design becomes the authority, encapsulating all the essential information, such as geometric dimensions, tolerances, surface finishes, and more. This eliminates the need for separate documents or drawings, streamlining communication and ensuring consistency throughout the entire product lifecycle.

MBD replaces traditional 2D drawings with 3D models that contain all the critical information needed for design, manufacturing, and inspection processes. By embracing MBD, engineers can communicate complex design concepts more effectively, eliminating confusion and reducing errors.

The benefits of Model-Based Definition

Implementing Model-Based Definition offers numerous benefits and advantages for both engineering and manufacturing processes. Some of the key benefits include:

Enhanced Communication and Collaboration

MBD enables effective communication and collaboration among stakeholders in the product development process by embedding all necessary information in the 3D model, eliminating misinterpretation and confusion that often arise from relying solely on written documents.

Reduced Errors and Rework

MBD reduces risks of errors, misinterpretation, and rework by providing an all-inclusive 3D model that enables early detection of design issues through a proactive digital approach.

Streamlined Documentation

MBD simplifies documentation by automatically generating accurate and up-to-date technical information, eliminating the need for multiple 2D drawings. This consolidation into a single digital model streamlines understanding of product requirements, facilitates easy updates, and ultimately accelerates decision-making and development cycles.

Improved Design Iterations

With MBD, engineers can quickly modify the 3D model to explore design iterations and evaluate different possibilities. Since all the associated information is directly linked to the model, modifications can be made efficiently, without the need to manually update multiple 2D drawings. This allows for faster design iterations and enhances the overall design process.

Simulation and Analysis

MBD allows for the virtual simulation and analysis of the product’s behavior under various conditions. This enables engineers to optimize designs, test different scenarios, and make informed decisions without the need for physical prototypes.

Better Supplier Integration

Model-Based Definition facilitates seamless integration between different suppliers involved in the manufacturing process. By sharing the 3D model, suppliers gain a comprehensive understanding of the design intent and can provide more accurate quotes, reducing the back-and-forth communication and improving collaboration.

All these benefits lead to less time spent on design and more time spent on making actual products, which ultimately means more time making money.

By digitally defining product characteristics and specifications, MBD eliminates ambiguity and ensures accuracy throughout the entire design and manufacturing process.

In addition, MBD eliminates errors that would otherwise be introduced at the physical stage, caused by manual processes or human error in translating data from one tool into another.

Customer Success Stories

The accomplishment of implementing MBD and achieving success is not an unattainable long-term objective, but a tangible reality that many have already experienced.

Take the case of the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD). They implemented MBD and saw several benefits, including an estimated $3M generated annually.

Another example is a case study from PTC, which describes how MBD was used to overcome delays in First Article Inspection (FAI). This case study found that MBD was the missing link to maximizing efficiency and reducing rework.

Additionally, a case study from Capvidia describes how MBD was used to improve process efficiency, reduce rework, create better products with faster time to market, and improve communication between departments.

Lastly, a case study from Springer describes how MBD was used to replace datasets of models and drawings, creating a “single source of truth”.

Numerous companies, among those mentioned and many others, have unveiled the advantages of MBD and have witnessed its profound impact on their manufacturing and engineering processes.

Implementing Model-Based Definition

Implementing model-based definition into your enterprise can be daunting if you’re not prepared for the change. Let’s talk about how to implement MBD despite some of the challenges that may come along the way.

Some challenges you may face include:

  • Sharing the MBD model with manufacturers or downstream collaborators. Some manufacturers still use 2D prints and are not used to the concept yet.
  • Currently, there’s no universal method to sharing the 3D models. Just like any time you use multiple software platforms, sharing 3D models can be difficult. Some CAD platforms use viewable tools (like Creo view) some use step files, and others use 3D PDFs.
  • Lacking the ability to use the model throughout the whole enterprise for things like BOM, change management, quality, data management and revisions. However, Windchill is a great solution for helping with that!

To begin implementing MBD in a successful way, you must clearly define their objectives and identify the specific benefits they aim to achieve with MBD, such as improved communication, reduced errors, and streamlined workflows. It is important to engage key stakeholders from different departments, including design, engineering, and manufacturing, to ensure alignment and gather diverse perspectives.

The next step involves selecting the right software tools and technologies that support MBD, as well as providing comprehensive training and support to employees to enable smooth adoption. The company should establish clear standards and processes for creating and managing 3D models, including annotation, GD&T, and other product specifications.

Ongoing collaboration, regular reviews, and continuous improvement are crucial to refine and optimize the MBD implementation. By embracing MBD as a company-wide initiative and fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration, companies can successfully transition to a more efficient, accurate, and streamlined approach to product development.

While the transition to Model-Based Definition may require some initial investment and adjustment, the benefits far outweigh the challenges. It not only streamlines engineering and manufacturing processes but also improves collaboration, reduces errors, and enhances overall product quality.

Picture the future state of your company using Model-Based Definition with benefits such as:

  • Creating reusable components instead of rewriting them
  • Reducing errors during coding by using more precise specifications
  • Getting feedback from stakeholders earlier in the process so changes can be made before they become expensive
  • Improving team communication because everyone speaks “the same language.”

Not only does MBD open a new way of executing product development, but it closes the gap between the digital and the physical world. Go from 3D model to physical product seamlessly to get your product from design to market in no time.

Model-Based Definition is undeniably an exciting advancement in the field of engineering. With its ability to enhance collaboration, unleash innovation, and redefine design and manufacturing processes, MBD is paving the way for a more efficient and effective engineering industry.

So buckle up and get ready to embrace this game-changing concept that will shape the future of engineering.

Check out this e-book to go more in-depth about all its offerings.

You can also talk to one of our experts to learn more about the benefits of MBD and what it would look like to implement it into your business.

Product Lifecycle Management Apps Image

If you’re wondering how to get effective and long-term PTC Windchill Support, look no further.

We partner with PTC and are a Top Solution Provider because our experts truly believe PTC products are the best in the industry for the Digital Thread and improving the complete product development process. Our company would like to address some of the pain points you may experience while using your Windchill PLM platform. As well as inform you about the steps we are taking to enhance your overall user experience and boost efficiency across your enterprise.

As with any complex software system, there can be a number of frustrations that users may experience when working with Windchill. Here are some common Windchill complaints that we hear in the industry:

  1. Complex User Interface especially for infrequent users
  2. Cumbersome Navigation
  3. Slow Performance & Speed
  4. Customization Limitations
  5. Limited Task Support & Access for departments outside of Engineering
  6. Lack of Workflow Synergy between multiple departments

Overall, these frustrations can make it difficult for users to work efficiently and effectively with Windchill. Read on to learn how our EAC Productivity Apps provide Windchill support for all users and make your PLM system and ThingWorx Navigate work FOR you, not against you.

Windchill Support: User Interface

We understand that the complexity of the PTC Windchill user interface can sometimes be overwhelming. Windchill’s user interface can often be cluttered and difficult to navigate. The system has a lot of options and features based on how complex an integrated product database must be. In response to this feedback, we created EAC Productivity Apps.

Our goal is to simplify and streamline the interface, making it more intuitive and user-friendly across teams and departments while keeping security high. By reducing clutter and improving navigation according to different job titles and roles, we aim to enhance your productivity and reduce the learning curve.

Quick Search App

For example, the Quick Search App provides a simplified way for users to enter a number or attribute into a single search bar to find the data results within the context of their job role. This removes the need for users to apply an understanding of how Windchill objects are related and eliminates unwanted, irrelevant data for the task at hand.

Report Viewer App

Our Report Viewer app gives individuals outside the engineering department the ability to view and run Windchill reports with ease. Within the Report Viewer app, you can easily:

  • Run pre-configured reports and saved reports
  • Save new reports
  • Access pre-built report dashboards that utilize the Windchill search engine

Part Associations App

This app provides a “shortcut” for users (especially shop floor employees) to access critical CAD files and documentation, and it consolidates results onto a single screen. Quickly access drawings, parts, assemblies, and other documents associated with CAD and part data.

For users who are in Windchill every day, we strongly suggest seeking out adequate training and support as a first step towards solving some of these frustrations. Even the most seasoned users may find tips and tricks that can simplify their workflows on a day-to-day basis.

BoM Compare App

Pro Tip: Did you know that Windchill BoM comparisons exist in Windchill?

They do! Now with our BoM Compare App, this feature is easier to find and leverage. View a side-by-side comparison of two Windchill bills of materials and select which attributes to compare, all with the click of a button.

Streamline PTC Windchill Navigation

Easy navigation is a huge factor that plays into workflow productivity. Windchill has many menus, screens, and options, making it difficult for users to navigate the system and find the information they need. This can be especially frustrating for infrequent users who are not familiar with the system.

Our EAC Apps are purposefully designed with easier navigation in mind. Instead of constant mouse clicks and multiple new windows opening across your screens, our developers created an ideal workflow. And significantly reduces how long it takes for you to get the info you need based on your job role.

Another challenge we hear from Windchill users is how long it takes to search for and find the data they need. We acknowledge that searching and finding documentation in Windchill can take way too long and cause a lot of frustration. This is especially true for people who only need to go into Windchill once in a blue moon. EAC Apps gets users to the data or drawings they need in just a few mouse clicks.

Below is a timetable that compares the number of mouse clicks it takes in the standard Windchill interface (a user with Windchill experience and skill) versus how many it takes using our productivity apps with little to no training needed.

Support Windchill Performance and Speed

Windchill can be slow to load, especially when working with large amounts of data or performing complex operations. This can lead to delays and frustration for users who need to work quickly and efficiently.

Additionally, optimizing the platform’s performance with maintenance on the back end is critical to ensure smoother operation, faster response times, and improved overall stability.

As a start, we highly recommend checking out the infographic, “6 Ways to Check and Maintain Your Windchill System” to support a healthy Windchill environment.

If your Windchill system continuously crashes or freezes, there is a serious issue that needs attention. For additional help, our managed services team is dedicated to resolving these issues and providing you with a more efficient and seamless experience. Our managed services, EAC Alliance, takes the heavy lifting off of your system admins so they can focus on their core responsibilities.

Learn more about the EAC Alliance program for Windchill. In regards to system crashing or freezing, that does NOT have to be your “normal”. In fact, 99.5% of our Alliance customers see a 100% in Windchill uptime and over 99% in availability. And 100% of our customers say they experience a significant improvement in speed and performance.

For most apps, you don’t even have to log into Windchill at all to get the info you need quickly and securely whether you’re a finance team member in your home office, or a builder on the manufacturing shop floor using your phone or tablet.

Quick Access App

More specifically, the Quick Access App eliminates the need to go into Windchill at all. Shop floor personnel can submit a problem report, a change request, or a new variance directly within the app. The Quick Access app improves user adoption and streamlines access to critical data sets.

The Quick Access app enables team members to quickly view a product’s structure, supporting information, and digital content. It also facilitates rapid issue capture to ensure quality and speed time to market.

Help with Effective Windchill Customizations

Another pain point that has been highlighted is the limited flexibility for customization within PTC Windchill. We understand that different organizations have unique requirements, and we are committed to empowering you with the ability to tailor the platform to your specific needs.

We are actively working on expanding the customization options and offering more flexibility to adapt PTC Windchill to your workflows and processes. Each EAC App allows for ample customization based on what your team or department wants or needs! We’ll set you up for success.

The best part is, even if you upgrade your Windchill version, you don’t have to start over with custom code like you do with ThingWorx! Our apps help administrators maintain the user portal after ThingWorx Navigate upgrade releases.

Windchill Security and Task Support

Need to give Purchasers access to only specific assets? Our EAC Apps allow you to share critical data securely with those who need it based on particular permissions and settings.

Give your shop floor access to the latest drawings, and design changes with easy-to-find and digestible data without having to email busy engineering teams. By expanding access to users in multiple departments with just a few clicks supports your Windchill investment.

Task Management App

Meet the Task Management App. Task Management helps users complete multiple tasks within one window! Streamline your workflows, filter by team assignment, and finish your to-do list. This app will fuel your efficiency, user adoption, and time management.

The Task Management App was designed to enable stakeholders to review and act on assigned Windchill change tasks. It provides visibility into important open tasks and their status.

Additionally, we have a robust knowledge base, user mentoring, and tutorials to assist you in leveraging the full potential of PTC Windchill. Our training and mentoring team is always available to address your queries and provide timely assistance.

Support for Windchill Collaboration and Integration

Is your engineering team the only department accessing Windchill data? If so, your company is not maximizing your technology investment. Our experts stress the value of collaboration and integration with other tools and systems for seamless workflows and processes surrounding your current tools and technology environment.

Our intuitive role-based apps make it easy for stakeholders in other departments to get the data they need from Windchill in a matter of seconds – instead of constantly having to ask the engineering team for answers!

Each app can be tailored to a specific role in your organization. Plus our PLM Apps integrate with any 3rd party system and expand Windchill’s integration capabilities, allowing you to connect with a broader range of applications and enabling smoother collaboration across different teams and departments.

Windchill Support for BoM Reports

For example, a healthy manufacturing BoM report requires input from multiple departments including design, procurement, manufacturing, and sales, and even more stakeholders need access.

The BoM Reports App allows all departments across the enterprise to accurately see the BoM data they need in real-time in the context of their job role. Within the app, you can view lists of unreleased products, created or modified parts in real-time (Cheers to supporting the digital thread strategy!)

Windchill Support for Change Management

Furthermore, Change Management is a core operational asset that can make or break processes across the enterprise. Our Change Management App aims to automate the critical flow and hand-off of information between teams and departments.

Enable excellent project management with an app that provides graphical views of problem reports, change requests, change reports, change variances, promotion requests, and more. This app is highly customizable based on the department and role of each user for maximum efficiency.

Bonus PTC Windchill Support: Implementation & Upgrades

Without experts who have the adequate time and capacity to do so (it’s seriously a full-time job), Windchill may not always be implemented properly in a timely fashion. This leads to data inconsistencies and errors. Errors that almost all manufacturers just can’t afford to be making.

The right approach matters, especially with PLM. To mitigate risk and save your IT team from a heavy burden, check out our service offerings for advanced Windchill support including Windchill implementations, upgrades, installs, and migrations.

Why Windchill is Still Critical for Success

Your feedback and input have been invaluable in shaping the direction of our efforts to improve your experiences with the complex yet powerhouse that is Windchill. We want to assure you that we are committed to continuously enhancing the platform with EAC Apps to serve your needs better and exceed your expectations.

The amount of power and robust capabilities of Windchill is the best investment a company can make on its digital transformation journey and implementing the digital thread. Connecting your data is critical. Finding and accessing your data with user-friendly PLM apps expands Windchill usage and amplifies your Windchill investment.

EAC Apps is the practical solution for PTC Windchill support by increasing Windchill usage and user satisfaction across the enterprise.

If you have any further pain points or suggestions, we would love to hear from you. Your insights are vital in driving our ongoing improvements.

Discover more info in the EAC Apps Brochure or check out the webinar replay.

P.S. Did you hear? We released the latest version of EAC Apps 3.3.0! Check out the Compatibility Matrix and Release Notes here.

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