PLM - Product Lifecycle Management Apps and Maintenance

How to Get the Most Out of Your PLM Software

If you’re venturing into the world of product development, you’ve likely heard of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software. PLM consolidates planning, development, manufacturing, and product information into one cohesive platform to connect everyone in your organization to the most valuable data. This “single source of truth” is vital for reducing design iterations, cutting unnecessary costs, enhancing product quality, and streamlining operations. But, how do you squeeze every ounce of value out of this digital powerhouse? Let’s find out.

The Key Functions of PLM Software

One of the first steps in maximizing efficiency with PLM software is to fully understand its capabilities. It juggles a mountain of data, manages changes during the product’s journey, and fosters team collaboration across departments. At its core, PLM is all about data management, bringing products to life visually, streamlining processes, and making teamwork seamless.

For example, PLM software like Windchill, a PTC software, manages critical product development data and streamlines change management processes. Fast, secure, and web-based, this business collaboration software enables companies to improve product quality by connecting teams to up-to-date product information.

Familiarizing your team with the functions of your business’s Product Lifecycle Management software will enable you to navigate the software with ease and efficiency.

Empowering Non-Expert PLM Users

PLM software is designed to strengthen collaboration amongst team members – to break down those ever-persistent data silos and bring people together. By working simultaneously, sharing insights and information, and exchanging ideas, your team can achieve greater innovation and make quicker decisions. PTC, a leader in PLM software, offers apps that are built on top of your PLM system to filter information into a consumable format.

ThingWorx Navigate serves as a great example of making PLM data more approachable for everyone. It’s about stripping away the complexity of Windchill data to support team members who might not be PLM wizards but still need to engage with critical product information. This approach is pivotal in fostering a workspace where insight and knowledge flow freely, inviting contributions from all corners of your organization.

However, unlike ThingWorx Navigate, EAC Productivity Apps (Windchill navigation apps) are highly customizable to meet your organization’s needs. Sitting on top of Windchill and Navigate, EAC Apps integrate your Product Lifecycle Management and Enterprise Resource Planning systems so departments across your organization can get access to data in an easily consumable format.

By offering these intuitive, role-specific gateways to important product data, EAC Apps and ThingWorx Navigate equip your diverse team of stakeholders with the understanding they need to navigate the product lifecycle with confidence and clarity.

Streamlining with Smarter Process Management

PLM doesn’t just organize your work; it makes it smarter. By automating workflows, the software cuts out the fluff and focuses on what’s essential, saving you precious time. Lean into this capability and watch your project timelines shrink and productivity soar.

Mastering the Data Deluge

PLM software can feel like drinking from a firehose with its data deluge. Managing this information efficiently is crucial. Keep data clean, consistent, and up-to-date. This ensures that everyone makes decisions based on the best information available, keeping your projects on track. Often this can involve data cleanup to make sure there isn’t unnecessary data crowding your reports. Or more commonly, training on all the capabilities of your Windchill system that you may be missing out on.

Our managed services team recognizes that the journey of PLM implementation doesn’t end with deployment, EAC underscores the importance of ongoing support, business process consulting, and adoption services through their EAC Alliance Program. This initiative demonstrates how businesses can continually derive value from PLM systems by adapting them to evolving business processes, driving home the need for ongoing evaluation, support, and optimization to maximize the software’s potential.

Never Stop Improving with Your PLM Software

Last but certainly not least, treat PLM software as your partner in growth. Regularly evaluate how the system serves your goals and find ways to fine-tune it. With your strategies evolving alongside the software, you’ll find new ways to enhance efficiency continuously.

In wrapping up, making the most of your PLM software isn’t just about understanding its features; it’s about immersing your team in its capabilities, promoting a culture of collaboration, tweaking processes for the better, and always striving for that next level of efficiency. Dive into the world of PLM, and you’ll soon discover the endless benefits it brings to the table.

If you’re looking for direction or guidance at any point along your Product Lifecycle Management transformation, EAC has experts to work with your organization through it all.

Creating a sustainable manufacturing process with a Sustainability Assessment

In today’s world, sustainability is not just a buzzword—it is a business imperative. Conducting a sustainability assessment of your manufactured products through economically sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts is crucial. Here is why:

Environmental Protection

Safeguarding our planet for future generations is one of the most compelling reasons to conduct a sustainability assessment. By evaluating your company’s environmental footprint, you can identify areas where you can reduce waste, lower emissions, and conserve natural resources. This helps protect ecosystems and also ensures that future generations can enjoy a healthy and sustainable environment.

Regulatory Compliance

Staying ahead of ever-evolving regulations is another critical aspect. Governments around the globe are increasingly implementing stringent environmental laws and regulations. The U.K. has been one of the industry leaders in changing their sustainability standards with many following suit around the world. A thorough sustainability assessment helps you understand and comply with the regulations in your area, avoiding potential fines and legal issues. It also positions your company as a responsible corporate citizen, which can be beneficial in negotiations and partnerships.

Economic Efficiency

Reducing costs and improving resource efficiency are direct benefits of a sustainability assessment. You can implement changes that reduce energy consumption, minimize waste, and optimize resource use by identifying inefficiencies in your production processes. This not only lowers operational costs but also enhances your bottom line, making your business more economically sustainable.

Consumer Demand

Meeting the growing demand for sustainable products is essential in today’s market. Consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their purchases and prefer to buy from companies that prioritize sustainability. A sustainability assessment helps you align your products with consumer expectations, enhancing your brand’s reputation and customer loyalty.

Innovation and Competitiveness

Driving innovation and staying competitive is crucial for long-term success. Sustainability assessments often reveal opportunities for innovation, such as developing new, eco-friendly products or adopting innovative technologies that reduce environmental impact. By staying ahead of the curve, you can differentiate your company from competitors and capture new market opportunities.

Risk Management

Mitigating risks and enhancing business resilience are vital for navigating the uncertainties of the modern business landscape. Environmental risks, such as resource scarcity and climate change, can have significant impacts on your operations. A sustainability assessment helps you identify and address these risks proactively, ensuring that your business remains resilient and adaptable in the face of challenges.

Sustainability assessments are not just about minimizing environmental impact—they are about creating a comprehensive approach to business that considers economic efficiency, regulatory compliance, consumer demand, innovation, and risk management. By conducting a comprehensive sustainability assessment, your company can enhance its reputation, drive innovation, and ensure long-term success and resilience.

Investing in sustainability is investing in the future. Start your sustainability assessment today and take the first step towards a more sustainable and prosperous tomorrow.

We are so excited about being featured in a premier manufacturing publication! This article focuses on the multitude of ways that EAC helps companies take advantage of manufacturing and engineering data and turn it into growth for the company. We cover all things Digital Thread – from data management and Additive Manufacturing to Augmented Reality and AI in manufacturing.

For all Windchill users, maintaining your Windchill system isn’t just about avoiding headaches—it’s about ensuring your workdays flow as smoothly as your designs. Here’s a roadmap to a healthy Windchill environment, based on vital actions you can take today.

1. A Quick Health Check-Up of Your System

Imagine your Windchill system as a hardworking heart in your organization. To keep it beating strong, regularly peek into:

  • Downtime: We all hate waiting, don’t we? Minimize this as much as possible.
  • Memory Usage: Red numbers are red flags.
  • Servlet Response Time: More red? Time to act.
  • Garbage Collection Mode: If it’s happening over 80% of the time, it’s too much.

As a site admin, keeping an eye on these metrics is key to preemptive maintenance.

2. Dive into Server Logs

If you’re up for a bit of investigative work, scan through your server logs. This may include:

  • Apache & Method Server Logs: Look out for unusual patterns or errors.
  • Background Server Manager: Unexpected behavior here could be a sign of trouble.

Understanding these logs is like reading the tea leaves for your system’s health.

3. Disk Space & Back-Up

Aim to keep at least 15% of your server drive-free. Think of it as keeping your workspace tidy for efficiency. And, don’t forget to monitor the storage available for backups – your safety net needs to be ready at all times.

4. Matching Users with Licenses

Are you aware of how many people access Windchill and if you have the licenses to cover them? Regularly review the following to avoid legal trouble with software manufacturers:

  • Light Licenses: Perfect for those who just need to view and print.
  • Heavy Licenses: For the CAD superheroes and others who dive deeper.

Aligning your user count with your license agreement is a fundamental compliance matter.

5. Clean Up Log Files

Low disk space can lead to performance issues. If your log files are growing:

  • Check the date created.
  • Decide whether they’re still useful.

Old log files can often be archived or deleted to free up space.

6. Clean Up Unreferenced Files

Lastly, clean up the unreferenced files in your file vaults. This process removes orphan files that consume valuable space. Refer to Windchill Help for detailed instructions, but remember:

BEWARE! Once these files are deleted, they’re gone forever.

Adopting these six steps in your regular Windchill system check-up can drastically improve your system’s health and performance. Stay proactive to keep the cogs of your Windchill system— and therefore your production—running without a glitch.

If you are looking to check in on your Windchill system, but are unsure where to get started, you can contact one of our experts to learn more.